Cat Facts You Might Not Have Known About

Taylor Swift might be the most famous cat owner, but she is far from the only one. Millions of cat owners across the globe understand their adoration for their feline friends, but might not know all of the interesting facts about them. 

Here are just a few random cat facts that may––or may not––surprise you!

1. These paws are made for walkin’: Unlike most mammals, cats walk by moving both right feet first, then both left feet. This "direct registering" gait allows them to be stealthy, making less noise and leaving minimal tracks—perfect for a natural-born hunter!

2. Purrfect healing powers: Cats purr for more than just expressing contentment. Studies suggest that the frequency of a cat’s purr (between 25 and 150 Hertz) can promote healing in bones and tissues, reduce stress, and even lower blood pressure in humans.

3. Meow to me, Paolo: Dogs may have a strong bark, but cats take the prize for vocal variety. While meows, purrs, and hisses are common, cats can make over 100 distinct sounds, each with its own meaning.

4. Cat naps all day, errday: If you've ever thought your cat sleeps too much, you're not wrong. On average, cats sleep 12-16 hours a day, with some sleeping up to 20 hours. This habit stems from their wild ancestors, who needed ample energy for hunting.

5. If it fits, it sits: Cats have an uncanny ability to squeeze into the smallest nooks and crannies. Their flexible collarbones allow them to fit into any space their head can pass through. That’s why your cat always seems to find the tiniest hiding spots!

6. Can’t hang, you make my cat sneeze: We often hear about people being allergic to cats, but did you know some cats are allergic to humans? Though rare, cats can be sensitive to perfumes, smoke, and other environmental allergens we bring into their space.

7. Cats have owned us for a long time now: While cats were famously worshipped in ancient Egypt, the oldest evidence of a pet cat was found in Cyprus in a 9,500-year-old grave, showing that humans have been adoring these animals for millennia.

8. Paw-Pals 4 life: If you’ve ever seen a bunch of cats together, you were witnessing a 'clowder.' Meanwhile, a male cat is called a ‘tom,’ and a female is a ‘queen.’

9. Jump around: Cats are excellent jumpers, capable of leaping up to six times their body length in one go. This ability makes them skilled hunters and incredible acrobats.

10. The third-eyelid chakra: Cats have an extra eyelid called the “haw” or nictitating membrane. It helps protect their eyes and keeps them moist, especially during intense focus or when they’re feeling unwell.

Cats continue to amaze us with their intelligence, athleticism, and mysterious charm. Whether they’re showing off their agility, serenading us with their purrs, or simply giving us their signature judgmental stare, cats are truly one-of-a-kind companions!

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